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Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia Team Leaders

The Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia Team are volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of Veterans living with Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain Syndrome. VVFF Volunteers are Veterans diagnosed with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain Syndrome, or individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain Syndrome, who have an immediate family member who is a Military Service Member or Veteran.

Kristal Kent: Founder and Volunteer Legislative and Patient Advocate

Kristal is an Army Veteran diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Kristal's background includes 25 years working in Social Services, Mental Health, Patient Advocacy, and volunteering for several Non-Profits. In addition, Kristal has previously served on the WEGO Health Patient Leader Advisory Board, the Social Health Patient Leader Council, and the Cleveland Clinic Patient Panel. She is also a member of the Society for Participatory Medicine and also volunteered 3 years as a Board of Trustee for the Fibromyalgia Care Society of America. Kristal is the Founder of Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia along with the Founder of The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles. Kristal uses her background in social services, benefits coordination, and patient advocacy to support those living with Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Chronic Pain Conditions and Chronic Illnesses. 

Candace Lerman: Volunteer Legislative Advocacy Mentor

Candace Lerman is a licensed Attorney and Healthcare Advocate living with Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Sjogren's Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.  Candace is the founder of  "ITP Patient Driven Research Initiative" and the "Rare Candace" blog. Candace is well known for her legislative advocacy work for the "Open Act,"

which has allowed patients access to repurposed medications for rare diseases. Candace has lent her voice and expertise to support the Fibromyalgia Community on advocacy initiatives such as the "Fibromyalgia Virtual Hill Day." As a daughter of a Vietnam U.S. Navy Veteran, Candace is a steadfast supporter of the Veteran community and consistency lends her voice and skill set to support Veteran initiatives.

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Anu Datta: Volunteer Healthcare and Public Policy Mentor

Anu Datta is an Iraq and Afghanistan Combat Army Veteran, living with Fibromyalgia. Anu has an extensive background in technology and networking systems. She is an established advocate in public policy and social justice, and has an extensive background in political campaign management, and Nonprofit Consulting. Learn more about Anu's extensive background and the skills she contributes to Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia at her website: Anu Datta - Home (

Al Knoblock: Volunteer Content Creator And Video Editor

Al Knoblock is a Combat Air Force Veteran who served in the Gulf War, and lives with Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and Gulf War Illness. Al actively engages in legislative advocacy on behalf of the Fibromyalgia and Veteran Communities. In addition, Al develops and creates content for VVFF and the Video Editor for all of Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia and The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles awareness and educational videos.

Dr. Tyler Fowler: Volunteer Science and Research Mentor

Dr. Tyler Fowler, PHD/DABR, is a Combat Army Veteran living with Fibromyalgia. Dr. Fowler was a Combat Medic and part of a “Fast Track Combat Medical Team.” In addition, Dr. Fowler is a Medical Physicist, with a background in Oncology Radiology. Further, Dr. Fowler has experience in Research at Stanford University and has been a part of several published research studies. It is through his research that Dr. Fowler developed an innovative Pediatric Radiology Oncology Imaging approach. This approach, used for imaging children’s brains, was less invasive than typical imaging techniques. 

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Erich Pfleaidermahnn: Volunteer Veteran Support Specialist

Erich Pfleaidermahnn is an Air Force Gulf War Combat Veteran, with a medical background, and is an American Legion Post Commander. Erich lives with both Fibromyalgia and Gulf War Illness. Erich helps connect Veterans living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome to Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia along with identify needed resources for Veterans. In addition, Erich identifies local Veterans who are experiencing barriers to food sustenance and provides resources for these Veterans to meet their nutritional needs. 

Wenday MacNeal: Volunteer Veteran Resource Specialist

Wendy Rivera is an Army Veteran living with Fibromyalgia and served with a Military Police Unit (MP). Wendy has experience assisting Veterans with Supported Employment Services, along with providing resources and support, to Veterans experiencing homelessness. Wendy is currently working towards obtaining her law degree. Her goal is to become an Attorney specializing in representing Veterans.

Evan Smith: Volunteer Veteran Support Specialist

Evan Smith is an Army National Guard Veteran living with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Evan provides "Adven-Therapy" (Adventure Therapy) for Veterans through nature therapy, hunting and fishing. Evan also engages in State and Federal Legislative Advocacy for both the Fibromyalgia and Veteran communities. 

Kristen Thomasino: Volunteer News Media Coordinator

Kristen Thomasino lives with Fibromyalgia and the daughter of a Military Veteran. Kristen has an extensive background in Media Relations and Business Strategy. Kristen is the Founder of Thomasino Media LLCThe Social Good Magazine, and The Social Good Conferences. Kristen's Advocacy work focuses on supporting those living with Fibromyalgia, Veterans who are homeless, and advocating on behalf of the LBGTQ+ Community. 

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Myisha Malone-King: Volunteer Patient Advocacy Mentor

Myisha Malone-King is a Licensed BSN/RN living with Fibromyalgia and Crohn's Disease. Myisha is also a cancer survivor. She is also the Founder of Game Of Crohn's. As an acclaimed Patient Advocate, with immediate family members who are Veterans, Myisha is passionate about supporting the Veteran Community, and Patient Community alike. 

Chef Sparky Walsh: Volunteer Nutrition Lifestyle Mentor

Sparky Walsh is a Registered Dietician and Certified Chef, who is a Marine Veteran living with Fibromyalgia. Sparky is only 1 of 100 people who have certifications in the United States as both a Certified Chef and Registered Dietitian. Chef Sparky is also the Founder of "Smash and Bash with Chef Sparky." and the "Chef Sparky Cooking Show." Chef Sparky provides insights on cost effective, tips and tools, to manage living with Fibromyalgia, through nutrition.

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