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BuddyTown and V.V.F.F Team Up to Streamline Resources/Supports for Veterans & Fibromyalgia Community


To better support the Fibromyalgia and Veteran Communities, BuddyTown Consulting and Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia, have teamed up to create pathways of easier access to community resources and supports for Veterans and people living with Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain. Further, BuddyTown Consulting founder, Kristen Thomasino, and Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia founder, Kristal Kent, identified not only do the Veteran and Fibromyalgia communities need streamlined access to supports and resources, there also needs to be a platform that hosts independent, patient driven research and surveys. Kristal has tirelessly advocated for more opportunites for patient specific driven research/surveys in order to identify systemic issues in the delivery of medical care and community support systems. In addition, both Kristen and Kristal recognized patients need easy to find research and survey opportunites, that are also easily accessible to patients.

With the needed variables identified, Kristen Thomasino went to work, building the framework for an App to provide added resources, supports, and patient targeted survey and research opportunities. Thus, the BuddyTown App Technology was created to fill the systemic gaps in healthcare and community suports, to better support Veterans, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain patients. To ensure accessibly, the BuddyTown App is FREE to download for iPhones, Androids, and other smart devices.

The BuddyTown App is NOW available to provide the needed resources, supports and patient specific surveys to help identify systemic issues plaguing the Veteran and Fibromyalgia communities. Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia is honored to team up with BuddyTown App to expand services and supports to the communities we represent.

The BuddyTown App is FREE to download and can be found on the Apple App store here: Buddytown on the App Store ( or the Google Play App store here: ​Buddytown - Apps on Google Play

"Working together, we can minimize systemic barriers, and improve healthcare outcomes for those living with Fibromyalgia. Together WE Make A Difference!" ~Kristal Kent, founder of Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia and The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles, and Creator of #TeamFibro #Vets4Fibro and #Pets4Fibro

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